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  1. C


    Hey i use to programe with vb6 for a chat called Paltalk like use ot make age checkers and anti bounce programes and stuff :D but really welled in it now since i stop anyone know where can i read more about VB6 to start agien
  2. C

    Sig problems

    Hello i come to post my sig in my User Cp all it says is There are no subscribed threads to display in this folder for this time period. what is that
  3. C

    You guys offer paid hosting?

    wehn i come to the site the index didnt show me anytihng about paid hosting why not make a cheap plans of paid hosting since you getting people like that i"ll be the frist customer :d
  4. C

    Aracde Games

    Ermm why dont you guys add aracde games to the forums if it could happens and like if you got highest xp you get points or sometihng :d this isnt for server this is for this site i had a few hosting i saw wiuth that wich really was good but they closed :S
  5. C

    Best Game

    What you guys Say BF2 Enemy Territory CS Half Life 2 Wow CSS wich one will be teh best cuse i wann start playing a new game iam playing Enemy Territory now wich sucks i think people say BF2 is hot like Jets is cool :d
  6. C

    Sig Request

    Hello i tryed alot of time with Adobe wich am a noob and dint get it ermm i want a normel sig like the size normel and a Clan Sig like the background as black spalshing i dont know how to explain and i want that logo
  7. C

    Best video Card

    hey guys whats the best video card Gefroce 5500 256 MB Gefroce 6800 256 MB Ati 9800 Pro 128 Mb i got the frist one wich is really gay and got a 1.80 Ghz Intel pocessor will that be ture to play Bf2 wann try but i am scared to buy the game and it dont work :s
  8. C

    Carlos sup peeps

    hello sup peeps nice site and nice forums ermm nice to meet you all maybe i could be friend with ya all :D onec i get dingling on this forums :D btw:anyone play ET name:carlos age:14 USA NY :D