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  1. S

    Two Problems

    I don't want Google having all my mails for privacy reasons... So I don't know why I doesn't exchange my mails via POP/IMAP...
  2. S

    Two Problems

    In Squirelmail, it works. Mails gets received, I can also send them. But there is a big latency (let's say a minute or 10). From the site, mails are incredebly slow. Mails via POP doesn't get received, so I can't use Outlook. The smtp server is a big failure also.
  3. S

    Two Problems

    Somebody who can help me with the second one?
  4. S

    Two Problems

    Hello, First problem solved, seems to relie on my computer. Two'th problem. I can send mail from my site. It comes in my provider's inbox. But my the pop3/smtp method (which I need to handle requests sended from the site) is a other story. None of the webmails available work. If I set it up...