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  1. C

    My domain not working

    im trying to acces but its not loading just stay still doesnt show anything and also im having problems uing the ftp. I tryed uploading it to another site and works, another hosting, but in this one i cant use ftp o r get in the website
  2. C

    My domain not working

    im trying to get in my website to see it ad it s not working ...i can acces miy cpanel and upload the files but doesnt working whe im trying to see the website Username: joseb Domain: Hosting Plan: adfree Contact Email:
  3. C

    Can't acces my cpnal nor the site.....

    i cant access my coanel and website...but i try others cpnal and it works....
  4. C

    cant access my account

    i was trying to upload some info inmmy pages using an ftp manager but its telling me that the passw is incorrect and i cant even get into my cpanel...i need a password reset pls
  5. C

    i can not acces my account

    i was trying to acces my cpanel to use my hosting but is not working...what can i do>>??:dunno:
  6. C

    Help SOS

    i can not register my Cpanel login to the forum