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  1. fguy64

    HTML Tutorial

    You haven't said what problem you are having, or what experience you have, but it is easy to experiment with html, it works pretty much the same whether the site is on your computer or on a web server. And be aware of the basic structure that all html documents have in common. the w3schools...
  2. fguy64

    My chess application on X10

    It should be a piece of cake. It has zero concept of strategy. I'd like to make it better, but that requires some advanced recursive algorithms that at this point just make my head spin. There won't be an significant improvements until late in the year.
  3. fguy64

    History/Geography Trivia

    Google Google ... aha now I know, it's a Linux thing. Anyways, The album my avatar is the cover of is called Trout Mask Replica by Captain Beefheart. It's one weird album. but then he changed his av
  4. fguy64

    FTP Help

    It's a piece of cake to have files available for public download without password or id using http, but I suppose you know that and have some reason for doing it using ftp.
  5. fguy64

    History/Geography Trivia

    I know what album cover my Av is. So I have no guess in the matter. As for the Penguin, I could say Antarctica, but I don't think that is what you mean by computer geography. SoOme kind of corporate logo maybe. No idea really, but I get the feeling I've seen it somewhere before.
  6. fguy64

    History/Geography Trivia

    Chile is correct. There was a question early that no-one has attempted, about what is the official language of the Democratic Republic of Congo. I'm gonna say French. I have a question that is not really Geography or History, but I'll ask it anyway. What album is my avatar the cover of?
  7. fguy64

    General Issues in Database Design and programming

    OK that makes sense. It all speaks to the responsibility of the programmer to make sure certain field get populated, probably by providing appropriate input validation for user input. Thanks again, learned some good stuff this thread.
  8. fguy64

    General Issues in Database Design and programming

    To expand on the null thing, it sounds like you are saying that MySQL forces you to populate the primary key field of all your records in the table, it just isn't possible to do otherwise. With an ordinary index field, it sounds like it is possible, but having a null field is kind of like bad...
  9. fguy64

    General Issues in Database Design and programming

    Thanks Garrett, that clears it up nicely. I would like to make one small point, based on general logic and not database... depends what you mean by unique. here you say that unique fields don't have to be indexes. In the context of the way the cPanel admin tool uses radio buttons, which are...
  10. fguy64

    What is the "address" of my files that I posted to my public_html directory?

    another way of looking this is as follows... if images is a subdirectory of public_html, and there is a file image1.jpg in the images directory, then you could load the jpg to your browser directly by typing the URL directly into the...
  11. fguy64

    General Issues in Database Design and programming

    greetings, I am just getting my feet wet with php and mySQL, and I wanted to discuss some basic concepts typical to all relational database systems. I posted this in the Compters and Technology forum but didn't get a response, so I thought I'd try in this board We can start off with Primary...
  12. fguy64

    Multiple X10 logins

    My browser remembers the login information for account panel, so I just have to click login, but it doesn't remember the information for forums or cPanel :)
  13. fguy64

    History/Geography Trivia

    in a way yes, in a way no. Everyone knows Iwo Jima was where the marines raised the flag during WWII, but probably very few know that it was a bloody battle. I didn't know. What country extends the furthest south. Antartica is not the answer I am looking for.
  14. fguy64

    Multiple X10 logins

    duly noted Garret, except my question has nothing to do with CPanel or hosting, free or otherwise. It is about the forum and the Account Panel, which is different from hosting/cPanel no? Account Panel and forum use the exact same login information, cPanel uses different inforamtion. Since the...
  15. fguy64

    History/Geography Trivia

    One last guess. Iwo Jima?
  16. fguy64

    Concerns about wireless

    duly noted vigge, but things can effect you in subtle ways, or take a long time for effects to show. So your point about being around 40 routers for a year while valid is hardly proof that there is no problem.
  17. fguy64

    Is IE, even 8, just effin broken?

    One extra click is jumping through hoops? I think not. Anyways, I don't really agree with your premises about the rights of the end user. If people are going to buy something, they have some responsibility to themselves to make sure it meets standards, i.e does it work. If they are expecting to...
  18. fguy64

    History/Geography Trivia

    I'll hazard a guess and say Midway
  19. fguy64

    Concerns about wireless

    Yah, I can't really say that there is anything wrong, nor can I say that there is nothing to worry about. Perhaps we cannot say that this stuff is bad for your health, but at the same time I don't know that we can say that this stuff has absolutely no affect on you, either.
  20. fguy64

    Is IE, even 8, just effin broken?

    or maybe a link that says "click here to view this site using non-standard Browsers such as IE." I love what Yahoo games did. A notice on their site saying, "we urge our users not upgrade to IE8 if they want to use our website". What a bunch of arrogant freaking pricks Microsoft are...