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  1. G

    Cannot access control plane, also site disabled

    Hi, my site is showing as suspended. When I log in to however I see status: active. Also when I try to login to control panel from there the same Account suspended messages appears. How can I remove this suspension so I can get back my site online? Regards.
  2. G

    Change PHP version through directadmin

    Ok,the new site has a new IP. This is why the site itself lost connection to mysql database (so a new 'localhost' address was needed). I have to update the A entry in my registrar to point to this new IP. Now all is working again.
  3. G

    Change PHP version through directadmin

    I figured it out. My domain was pointing to old installation (the one with cpanel). Through x10 subdomain I could enter to the new migrated site. Also, I have had to change wordpress database info to point to localhost, instead of IP. Now I have to figure how to update my domain to point to...
  4. G

    Change PHP version through directadmin

    Hi there, I have unsuccessfully tried to switch PHP version through directadmin. I set 7.3 and no error message appears. However my webapp is still telling me it is using and outdated 5.x version. Also I have changed some html files through directadmin but I can't see the changes reflected...