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    x10hosting name servers

    free account my site is down - i'm sure you know this as you have lots of sites down right. i know you're working on it - i checked the news and announcements. for something to do i typed the nameserver addresses , and...
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    smtp errors

    free hosting account Hi guys; I'm still having some minor issues with an smtp error in phpbb2 that shows up as: Could not connect to smtp host : 111 : Connection refused DEBUG MODE Line : 112 File : smtp.php Also, I still have the original email...
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    incorrect email account showing in webmail ... free account Hi guys; My domain has now been switched over to but when i log into the webmail from the cpanel it is still showing the old address for the old domain I checked in the cpanel in the Email...
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    email settings - still having problem - free account Hi again, I'm still having some issues with my email function - even after I input the settings that were suggested by a user in this forum As best as I can tell I have entered the settings in correctly as were provided for me ... please let me know if I...
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    Email Settings

    I'm using phpbb2 on a free hosting account I tried to configure the email settings but am getting SMTP errors when a user registers on the forum (test accounts) - obviously I did something wrong so I disabled the settings till I know what to put in. Can someone please...
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    phpbb2 setup error

    I know you admins are very busy. I received confirmation that my upgrade to intermediate was successful on my free hosting account - I read through other posts - including admins - and it seems that the below error is most likely due to a time delay till all php...
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    wordpress installation

    i just applied for the php upgrade to intermediate for installing wordpress i'm just curious as to roughly how long the process might take to be approved? thanks for the great support
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    own domain name

    Hello; I just finished setting up a free (and adfree) account with an initial subdomain address of I registered a domain name of and would like to use it here instead of the sub-domain address could someone please assist me in making the switch...