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  1. M

    NO! It's _not_ resolved! I want to know what's going on. I don't have any problem if unwanted things happen but you could at least be so frank and unclose what is the matter. A whole account gone for no reason cannot just be put aside like...
  2. M

    Does x10hosting support Perl?

    Question as above.
  3. M

    Can't access anything (again...)

    This is the forth time now iirc. Will you ever get that sorted? First, it just was a isse, but if those errors wont vanish its getting slightly annoying!! I can't access my cPanel because it doesnt let me in and trying to access my Account-Page I'm requested to change my account to...
  4. M

    Reset my cPanel PW please

    [Solved] Reset my cPanel PW please Reset my cPanel password please and let me know what you set it to. Though I'm enabled to use ftp and all the things cPanel will just not let me in. Thanks.
  5. M


    I can't login to my CP anymore. I may have forgotten my password/username, too (it says that it can't find any account of my username) - but there are obviously other problems too.
  6. M

    Cannot connect to mySQL-Server

    The other topic seems locked so it's just fine I'll open another one. This time I can already make a bit clearer what the problem is. I am using a ad-free account and created a database manday_default with user manday_manday, which is permitted to query SELECT-statements to the database in...
  7. M

    Error Connecting to DB

    That's what I get although I gave it the right DB Name ( "manday_...." ) and the right username ( "manday_.... ). I try to connect on localhost, is that right? _______ Oh well, I should have said that it's PHP and I'm trying to connect to mySQL. _______ In fact I'm a stupid dumb cause that...
  8. M

    I signed up - WHAT NOW?

    Lol. What is this? I just signed up but no way to find a place that looks like one where I can administrate my new webspace?! After logging in I get a message saying my.... wud? My "cPanel-Username"? I tried "ManDay" but what I get is: I don't assume that this webhost is fake, so please will...