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  1. J

    Resolved Stuck in permanent Unsuspend mode

    Yep, I know. I have had other more pressing issues going on that warranted my attention more. Plus, you cannot currently create a new free user account as I would have done that.
  2. J

    Resolved Stuck in permanent Unsuspend mode

    Hi there, My account was suspended back in December, during the migration. I have been logging in ever since too see if I could lift the suspension to avail, as it has been stuck on "We're removing the suspension now. Please standby and reload the page in 1 minute." ever since. Am I too late?
  3. J

    Resolved Stuck in permanent Unsuspend mode

    Hi there, my site is stuck in permanent unsuspend mode. I have been logging in to check if it had been fixed for a while, but to no avail. I have the below message on top of the unsuspend page: Can anyone please give me some advice as to what to get this sorted.