Search results

  1. Jords

    Count to 200

  2. Jords

    Intel or AMD CPU?

    Re: Intel or AMD Yes i use a Intel
  3. Jords

    Suggestion to Admins (About Forum Games and Mass Posts)

    Yes it does need it own subforum
  4. Jords

    Forum Game <Story>

    Once upon a time there was a linux distro, named Tux, 'cause the distributor can't think of a better, catchier name. Soon this Tux gained popularity, and for the first time it was installed on a PC. The guy who created this distro was a monkey robot. Because of that, Tux acted like it was a...
  5. Jords

    Is Vista Worth?

    No not really all you get is a better looking Desktop etc. and Direct X 10 and then it eats up a lot of Ram for that so I'm sticking with Windows XP.
  6. Jords

    frontpage or dreamweaver

    I voted for Frontpage but I haven't tried Dreamweaver yet.
  7. Jords

    What scares you the most?

    Spiders and being in the dark.
  8. Jords

    Which OS?

    I use Windows XP SP2 there has been no problem, but when i installed Vista it crashed in 2 weeks and then I had to reformat my computer. I haven't tried Linux yet.