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  1. R

    A little question about the ToS...

    I was reading the ToS and came across this statement: I am not quite sure what this mean... Does it mean total of every jpg or png files existing on the server will be counted toward 500MB and will be limited? If I have a WordPress for three years, 500MB of images are easily achievable...
  2. R

    Cron Jobs

    Hello, I am trying to write a cron job script that would temporarily archive my data, mail them to me, and then delete what ever archive created: #!/bin/bash #Make an archive of public_html tar czf ~/backups/backup/html.tgz ~/public_html #Make a back up of SQL database mysqldump --opt -Q -u...
  3. R

    552 Disk full - please upload later

    Hello, I was recently granted unmetered disk space for my free hosting account, and I was happy to be able to upload the rest of my files, to make my WordPress look more normal, however, suddenly this happened: Is this suppose to be normal?
  4. R

    Unmetered space

    Hello, is there a way to check if I registered for a week yet? As far as I know, I registered last Tuesday, but I forgot exactly what hour. I would like to have unmetered space please.
  5. R

    Can't use CloudFlare?

    Never mind, apparently the CloudFlare account email has to be the same as x10 login for it to be working. =============== Hello, in my cpannel, I see CloudFlare, and decided to register for it's service, and is presented with this page: Everything went okay, I finished my registration and...
  6. R

    Out of disk space

    Hello, I was told that if my account reached the storage limit, I can request for enlarging my disk space. I have no idea where I go about requesting, so I am posting here, hoping this is the correct place.