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  1. angelbra

    Resolved I'm unable to access my website

    Thanks so much, now all is working properly and with all the information up to date. I appreciate your fast and accurate support.
  2. angelbra

    Resolved I'm unable to access my website

    No, I didn't make any change that needs to be saved, please, go ahead, thanks.
  3. angelbra

    Resolved I'm unable to access my website

    Thanks, finally I could access my website, but checking it I found it lose the last months information, it seems to be a december or january copy, because it's an educative portal and it hasn't the last courses information, which I'm currently working in. Is it possible to recover that...
  4. angelbra

    Resolved I'm unable to access my website

    Hi, I'm unable to access my website since two weeks ago. I can enter to DirectAdmin without problems, but my website indicates connection problems. Thanks in advance.