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  1. H

    Insert a CloudFare Account

    Hi, I put the name servers of claudfare on my domain of And I want to use x10Hosting. I put name servers & where tipe CNAME in my Cloudfare Panel. But when I go to parked domains to insert it it says me... Any ideas??
  2. H

    Where I upload my website files??

    Hi, I upload my website to public_html folder. In this folder there are some other folders. When I go to my website I see the Default Website Page. What I can do to see my page?? Is public_html the correct folder?? Any Ideas??
  3. H

    Change Main Domain

    Hi, I add a Parked Domain and I have put this to Main Domain and delate the other one Any Ideas???
  4. H

    Apuntar hosting a dominio

    Buenas, He adquirido un dominio en y quiero ponerlo a mi hosting. El problema es que no puedo los ... ya que utilizo GoogleApps y me tienen que quedar las ... Por lo tanto lo que tengo hecho en otros host es apuntar con RecordType A y ponerle la IP...