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  1. E

    404 error

    I've never seen my website as dead as this time: no ping, no FTP, no mysqi and of course no webserver connections. Is anybody out there, who can tell me, what's going on? Thx.And a Happy New Year Wolfram
  2. E

    Timeouts with website as well as with DirectAdmin

    After switching to ssl there was a phase of a pretty speedy behaviour of the website. However, since about 36 hours I observed a constant decrease in speed. It ended up in a server timeout of the website and of the administration panel. FTP access is down as well. I wonder, what's going on...
  3. E

    x10 up and running

    Not sure, if other members see the same result - but for me x10 hosting is working again after the the DNS problems - thx to the team.
  4. E

    Thx to the team

    Thanks to Anna, Eric, Garretroyce and the whole x10hosting team. Everything fine now again. Great job. As a wise man said: shit happens (even complete datacenters may burn down to the ground, as it happened earlier this year in Strasbourg, France). As a remnant of the desaster there were left...
  5. E

    SSL free hosting

    Hi folks, as for the problem there is a pretty comprehensive guide in However, if I follow the proposed steps, I am already failing with the first one, since in my DirectAdmin there is nothing like a ssl option. So, what...
  6. E

    503 Service unavailable

    Hello, my website (x12) is producing a 503 service unavailable/Request Timeout for hours. FTP: working MySQL: Request Timeout. Since this is happening repeatedly during the last months, I wonder, if there exists a major problem. Any help is very welcome. Thx. Update: After a...
  7. E

    Request Timeout - 500 Internal server error

    Hello Folks, Out of the blue my website produces a request timeout (500 internal server error) since hours. The DirectAdmin is working. FTP: working too, but pretty d...d slow MySQL (phpMyAdmin): request timeout in the error logfile this INFO-line leaps to my eye: [ACL]...
  8. E

    Resolved Database connection error in website / phpMyadmin not accesible

    Since two days I am unable to connect to my database via phpMyadmin (database connection lost). Additionally, since today my website isn't available too (database connection error). I am aware that we experienced today a major breakdown with the most of the Google services. But for me that...
  9. E

    Systems are running

    I am aware, that the rehaul of x10hosting (freehosting) caused a lot of trouble during the last two weeks (for me too). However, this mess was worth it. Coming from Europe/Germany I can establish, that the websites now are loading pretty a lot faster than before. It's really impressing. I...
  10. E

    Mess over – let's pray

    Everything seems to be okay now. But for me there was an additional problem with the webserver delivering just a blank page,. Obviously it was caused by a defunct Wordpress-Plugin – WP-Statistics (I got a warning by Jetpack some hours ago about this issue).
  11. E

    CPanel/phpMyAdmin/Website down – read-only file system

    Hello, out of the blue my website stopped working just giving a blank page (while being pingeable). Login into the cpanel ended in lots of error notices mainly complaining about a just read-only file system. (For some examples see below). Currently the webpage is completly inadministrable...
  12. E

    Geoblocking within the cpanel

    First the heavy database crash with lots of data lost on X03 last weekend. And now geoblocking: "You are signing in from Germany, and unfortunately we are unable to offer free web hosting service to Germany at this time. Please check back with us in the future as we are working to expand our...