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  1. T

    My Wordpress Website Is No Longer Working?

    Hello x10hosting community, I recently found out today that the Wordpress Installation that I have on my account, which I had working fine for about a year or so, has stopped working apparently. I am not sure if this is temporary, or if something actually messed up. If I go to my domain that...
  2. T

    Account Upgrade Page Broken

    Hi x10, I found a bug, maybe this had happened due to the new login page setup, not sure about that. When I try to access the upgrade page on my account at I get a blank page, with nothing on it. This happens on all internet browsers I try on, not sure if this...
  3. T

    Quick Question

    Do chat scripts also count as not allowed in x10hosting's free hosting terms of service as I can see that bots and scripts are listed? I just wanted to know, so that I can be aware of this. Thank you.