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  1. H

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed for my radio stats

    Help i wanna shoutcast and broadcast my radio but when i use the radio ip and port and pass, the x10 says Error 503 Backend fetch failed why is this and can it be fixed? Error 503 Backend fetch failed
  2. H

    Help domain problem

    I bought a domain and I used the shared ip of my web host it just takes the domain to a /index of page empty page my website is and the shared ip which is on the pcanel x left side, i used that ip for the domain and it takes me there how...
  3. H

    Help! I cant sign into cpanel anymore!

    I was recently playing with the DNS section on the cpanel to try connect a domain, i accidently deleted some stuff now when i try to login my cpanel it just keeps on redricting nonestop, sign in, intalizing, all that i need my cpanel to be fixed please