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    Resolved is down

    Hi there, not sure why this site is no longer loading as of earlier today. Nothing has changed on my side. FTP is fine though. okay it seems like it’s up now, so this thread can be deleted.
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    Resolved SitePad - old editor vs new editor can I export from old and import to new?

    Hi, Since we no longer have Site Builder - which is what my site was built with, I started creating a new site with SitePad - which now shows that it is created with the old editor - on the SitePad site. I have not published it yet, as my previous Site Builder site is still okay for now, I'm...
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    Resolved Website down

    This was working fine until Thursday. Not sure if adding the list of x11 to x15 A records is doing anything. Please assist.
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    Cpanel and server are down

    I'm able to login but my site is down, and once logged in I can open the cPanel- it says it can't access the server