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  1. Sondar

    Unable to change main domain

    I have tried several times to change my main domain to . I have that domain registered with and the DNS of the domain is set to and I keep receiving the error message C085843B. I understand this usually because the name...
  2. Sondar

    Can't access cPanel through proxy

    Hello, In order to connect to the internet at university I have to connect through a proxy. Usually this is fine, but I can't access cPanel on any browser (Chrome, FireFox or IE). I can log into the x10 hosting bit and access any other websites fine but once I try cPanel it says: This web page...
  3. Sondar

    Can't connect to mysql server through socket

    I am repeatedly receiving this error message, and my blog software and stopped working. I believe this must be something on your end as I have changed nothing about my blog and even that's not working. The full message is: Can't connect to mysql server through socket...
  4. Sondar

    Error #1030 - Got error 28 from storage engine in PHPMyAdmin

    This is a apparently an error code recieved when you have run out of memory. However, I have checked all of my limits and capacity etc. and I don't think I've gone over any of them. Any advice?