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  1. Pragmatic

    Can't Access Cpanel

    YES i've had to re-post this, because i seem to be getting ignored. Corey told me my IP is blacklisted. I'd like to know why this is. He also mentioned it's my ISP's fault, does this mean I'm going to have to find hosting elsewhere? For a brief time I could access my primary domain, and also...
  2. Pragmatic

    Why is my IP range blocked?

    Corey told me my IP is blacklisted. I'd like to know why this is. He also mentioned it's my ISP's fault, does this mean I'm going to have to find hosting elsewhere? I can now finally access my primary domain, and also my Cpanel. But my add-on domain, is blocking me...i think?
  3. Pragmatic

    I have a major problem.

    Account Username:pragprod Primary Domain: cPanel URL: Nothing is working. I get into my x10 hosting Acocunt Management Panel, but Cpanel doesnt...
  4. Pragmatic

    Lets Clear this up Everyone

    To my knowledge from looking through all the other threads. Everyone having problems are on the Cossacks server, including me. We can't access our sites, and the only way to access the primary domain is via a proxy. This indicates the x10 servers are blocking us out of our own sites. Despite...
  5. Pragmatic

    I Know, we've been told.

    I'm on the Cossacks.x10 server. Everything is apparently online, except Exim. We were told everything should be okay by Sunday, its now monday. However, my website is still down (while others claim theres is fine), my cpanel URL is down, and my Primary domain is down. Primary...
  6. Pragmatic

    Corey, My Add-On Domain gone again.

    To Corey, you put the add-on domain on my account for me a week ago or something. And you got it working. However, just discovered, its broken again. Add-on Domain is disappeared. And i can't add it myself. still. Could you please fix it for me? Cheers
  7. Pragmatic

    How Would i do this?

    I have both the .com and domains for my website. However currently only .com is set up to work. How would i add another add-on domain so works as well? Can i point it to use the same folder my .com add-on domain is using?
  8. Pragmatic

    argh..add-on domains still dont work.

    Can someone explain to me how I get my domain to work with x10hosting. For the last 3 days it's been broken! Error from domain wrapper: Domain already exists, it was not added.: It was working all good...
  9. Pragmatic

    My add-on domain has gone.

    I was forwarding my site to and it was working fine until today, now when i go on it i get: an X10 hosting welcome page. I checked my add-on domains and it says i haven't got any, i try to add it again and it says i can't...
  10. Pragmatic

    Account Suspended (Account Not Linked)

    My account has been suspended because apparently my account isnt linked however, i recieved the account linking confirmation email on the 13th August, which i clicked on the same day to confirm it. And today my account is suspended, i am a little bit confused. I now cannot login to Cpanel...