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  1. E

    Wordpress error with php

    Since the recent major changes (of starting the servers from the beginning) updating Wordpress is not possible, as it displays this error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function add_action() in /path/elemongw/public_html/wp-includes/update.php on line 52 This is probably because of some...
  2. E

    Can you please stop restoring your own backups?(Absolut)

    Can you please, PLEASE, stop restoring your own database backups? I know you are trying to do the best but I CAN'T GO ON LIKE THIS!!! I keep on doing changes at my website and you keep on restoring backups, which are also very old. After you got the database back online I have spend all my day...
  3. E

    Ad-free vs ad-enhanced

    Well, I was wondering... Is the server hosting sites with the ad-enhanced plan (stoli) better (faster) than those hosting sites with the ad-free plan (absolut, cossacks)? Also, is there the ability to move from the ad-free plan to the ad-enhanced?