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  1. B

    Shopping cart help.

    For selling a game: I am using PayPal shopping cart buttons, and am redirecting (On success) to a page which will ask them for their e-mail to send them a random code which will be added to a MySQL database, once the person opens the game (no help needed) it will go to the MySQL database and...
  2. B

    Problem: Taking information from...

    I'm trying to take information from one mysql table and put it into another. It's VERY hard to explain but here's my code: $con = include('dbc.php'); mysql_select_db("tb_begamer, $con")...
  3. B

    Image source from URL query

    okay I have a URL query that contain's an img source - display.php?f=/Upload/art/&p=Bkground.jpg What would the code be inside display.php to embedd the image in? also I'm not sure that the query is correct, if so then please correct me. Thanks! :redface:
  4. B

    Duplicate and Embbedd

    Okay, So I have created a file upload system that when you upload a file, it puts a link into my database. But when I go onto the link its JUST the picture/file! Is there anyway I could create a page that gets duplicated in the file upload process and the file gets embedded in the page? Kind...
  5. B

    PHP Login Script Source V0.9

    Okay before I upload this I need to check if 1.I'm allowed and 2.If I'm posting in the right place XP, Stay tuned for when I get these WELL NEEDED permmisions ;). I will be uploading an instruction manual aswell if I am allowed to :tongue:
  6. B

    Profile pic feature for my login script - NO CODES NEEDED

    Okay I have succesfully created a login/register/accountpage php script but now I want to add onto that and create a feature that allows you to create a profile picture and keep it as YOUR profile picture. I dont need any codes as I will create the myself for the sake of learning but if you need...
  7. B

    .SWF Video Upload System

    Okay I want My visitors to be able to upload a .sfw video on my site for people to see. any help? i also want a search engine that allows you to find a video. thank you for all your help
  8. B

    Website Programmer Needed!!

    Okay I cant give you money because im not 18 yet but i can garentee a free ad/link on my site. please pm me