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  1. marcelinho.dll

    Accept DineroMail as method of payment

    Hello, Can you consider adding this method of payment? I want to buy Prime Membership but I don't own a credit card and I live in Brazil. This is their homepage: I use it for paying World of Warcraft in my local currency :) This will be useful not only...
  2. marcelinho.dll

    Request for Account Deletion

    marceloa: (X) Inserting an X inside the parentheses signifies that I have made all necessary backups of my free hosting account and will not hold x10Hosting responsible for any data I am unable to recover after my free hosting account is deleted. The X also serves as my digital signature...
  3. marcelinho.dll

    Account Suspension

    I still can't login. That problem started after my account transferred to another server.
  4. marcelinho.dll

    Account Suspended

    My account still suspended, i was from lotus server, when it'll be unsuspended?
  5. marcelinho.dll


    I want to know if all the pages will be recovered from the Lotus server. Because I haven't done a backup. And when I visited my FTP server there wasn't any file there. I visited it June,16th,2010 at 11:27 (Brazilian Time)
  6. marcelinho.dll


    My account was transferred from lotus to other server, and it stills suspended. I want to unsuspend it.