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  1. L


    Hi, I am having troubles loading my page, but I know that it has nothing to do with x10, its all on my end. I am just trying to find any assistance that I can possibly can get. I am running a Windows XP machine that is connected to the internet though a crossover cable running to another XP...
  2. L

    IRC Chat.....

    do you guys have this service? or do i need to find another place to use this service? cause I have a game running off you guys and i would like to have a place for people to go to contact me while I am online. and i prefer irc chat, well because it is irc chat,and I know how to use most of the...
  3. L

    Problems running installer scripts

    Trying to install a small game to my website, but when I direct my browser to the installer.php, it tries to save the installer.php file to my computer instead of running the install program, anyone have any ideas. Also I am trying to install a PHPBBv2 forum to my website as well, but when I...
  4. L

    Hi I am Leu

    Hey I am Leucippus, I have been having troubles getting in here. But I am now here, I really must say for a free hosting company you guys are excellent. Even though my account at the moment is suspended. But I am hoping to get unsuspended as soon as possible.