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  1. H

    Cron on Level server not working

    Hi, It appears cron jobs on the Level server aren't working. Can someone give it a prod please?
  2. H

    Resource Limit stuck on!

    Has anyone else been plagued by this issue? I hit the resource limit once a few days ago and ever since then the resource limit page has been stuck on! I opened a support ticket a few hours after it didn't clear up which was a few days ago but still not fixed yet. Is anyone else having this...
  3. H

    Write error with sessions

    I'm getting this error on my site. I haven't changed anything on my site for a few days and this only popped up overnight so it appears to be an error your end. Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/webtmp/sess_57630b439e217768c128d5028dd7d202, O_RDWR) failed: Read-only...
  4. H

    Mysql server dies at about 1300BST everyday

    It would appear that the MySQL server on buro is dying everyday at around 1200-1400 (GMT+1). The error received is "Too many connections" which brings down the websites and access to phpmyadmin. When this issue is reported on here and it has been looked at usually the server is working again...
  5. H

    There does appear to be an issue with Buro

    I've noticed a lot of threads about buro been down or very slow. I can confirm that it appears very flakey at the moment, I have tried some of the sites listed as having problems and I get the same result as my own. Sometimes a temporarily unavailable message, sometimes half a page with a sql...