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  1. psgalaxy91

    Galactic Command

    Check out my newly re-made website! What do you think? :biggrin:
  2. psgalaxy91


    I'm trying to get my pages (.aspx) to work, and I'm failing miserably. I read that I need to make a mime type, so I added the folloing mime type: application/monoaspx cs edmx config aspx.cs And it failed. Whenever I go to my page...
  3. psgalaxy91

    Team Falcon RuneScape Art

    Check this out, I took a screenshot of myself in RuneScape, set the sword on fire, put it in front of my clan's new logo, and added lighting effects. what do you think? Not half-bad considering RS graphics are pretty bad. Check it out compared to the current logo in my sig.
  4. psgalaxy91

    [Req][1000 Credits (all)] Aardvark Php Topsite Skin

    I'm offering all of my credits (a littles more than 1000) for a skin for an Aardvark Php Topsite. It needs to be a black/dark red design. It should sort of match the color/design kinda thing of the page below...
  5. psgalaxy91

    cPanel not working

    My cPanel went down last week and I thought it would be back up within an hour or so. Well, it's been a few days and nothing. My website works fine, it's just that I can't access my cPanel at all. It says internet explorer cannot display this webpage. I tried it on different computers, and the...
  6. psgalaxy91

    Internet Explorer Vs. FireFox

    I've tried them both, they both do the basic functions you'd need. But I'd have to say Internet Explorer is better, because it is like the universal web browser. Everything works on it. I don't see what FireFox has over it.
  7. psgalaxy91

    Microsoft vs. The World

    Why do most people loathe Microsoft? They say their products don't work, bash Vista, and pretty much blame them for their computer problems. I'm not saying apple sucks or anything, but Microsoft doesn't suck either. -.- It's usually operator error when someone can't get something to work, but...
  8. psgalaxy91

    SMF Forum not working...

    My SMF forum was working fine until about 10 minutes ago. :eek4: I didn't change anything, but now there's a white screen coming up for the forums. The rest of my site works fine. I'm on Cossacks BTW. I'll post back if anything changes.
  9. psgalaxy91

    White Screen on SMF

    My SMF forum always worked fine until about a week ago, when I accidently messed it up. :biggrin: But I had a backup and set it up. The thing is, now when I first go to the forum or someone's profile info, it shows a blank white screen. This doesn't always happen, sometimes it works fine...
  10. psgalaxy91

    cPanel Error...

    Hi. When I go to my cPanel, the login page shows up fine, but when I put in my username and password, I get an Http 500 Internal Server error, saying "The website cannot display the page - Most likey causes: the site is under maintenance, the site has a programming error" My cPanel name...
  11. psgalaxy91

    SMF/upgrade error

    First, I couldn't reply to another topic. this came up. But on to the main problem... My smf forums gave a fatal error, so i upgraded my php to intermediate (yesterday) Today, the smf loads occasionally - usually, I get a blank page or "internetexplorer can't display this page.."...
  12. psgalaxy91


    I want Asp.Net on my account. When I try to open the page only the source code shows up, so I've had to use HTML. I think that Asp.Net has to be enabled on my account to make my page work. So could some plz enable it/do something? In case you need to know I'm on cossacks, and the...
  13. psgalaxy91

    What's up?

    I have noticed that my site has constantly been going down. I'm on cossacks. About every 10 minutes, my site fails to load. What's wrong? Is it my site? I don't think so because previously it has been working fine. Is something up with Cossacks?
  14. psgalaxy91

    Site Down

    My site went down! My browser says "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" Usually after 5 minutes it comes back, but it's been out for about an hour now. I'm on Cossacks, and my cPanel is working. My site is :eek4: <--- lol
  15. psgalaxy91

    cPanel/Apache Problem

    AAARRRRGGGHHH!!!!!! My site isn't working =[ This is what come up when I go to my site... Great Success ! Apache is working on your cPanel® and WHM™ Server If you can see this page, then the people who manage this server have installed cPanel and WebHost Manager (WHM) which use the...
  16. psgalaxy91

    New vBulletin Themes

    I think that the forums would look a lot better ith a better theme. I find the current one quite boring. :eek4: You can get free themes all over the internet. Google search for some.
  17. psgalaxy91


    I made my whole site into with visual web developer 2008 ^-^ But now I don't know how to view it online. I uploaded it in a compressed folder and extracted it, but I can't seem to view the pages. I'm kind of a noob at This is my first test of it... When I direct my...
  18. psgalaxy91

    I want to change my X10 account password...

    I want to change my password for my X10 account. NOT the cPanel password. I don't know how to change it. On the account panel, there is the option to change the password, but it is only for the cPanel password. Kinda sad predicament I'm in. >.< Edit: Rofl Nevermind, I just found out.
  19. psgalaxy91

    Politics and the Presidential Elections

    I'm too young to vote this year, but I am following the candidates very closely... I think Huckabee and Obama both look very promising. Who do you think should become the next president?
  20. psgalaxy91

    I accidentally deleted all my stuff

    I accidentally deleted all my stuff. Is there any way I can get t back???