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  1. R

    mysqli is b0rk?

    Okay, so I just ended up resorting to PDO for this specific page. Thanks for the help, everyone. I'll just leave this here: try { $db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=dbnamehere;charset=utf8', 'usernamehere', 'pwhere')...
  2. R

    mysqli is b0rk?

    Well, sure. $stmt->bind_param('i', $_GET['id']); doesn't help at all.
  3. R

    mysqli is b0rk?

    Umm.. bump.
  4. R

    mysqli is b0rk?

    No error here. If you look at the page again, I added some more debuggy info.
  5. R

    mysqli is b0rk?

    include("config/databasecfg.php"); echo("Checkpoint 1/6 - included newsdb<br>"); $stmt = $sql->prepare('SELECT * FROM games WHERE id = ?'); echo("Checkpoint 2/6 - prepared statement<br>"); $stmt->bind_param('s', $_GET['id']); echo("Checkpoint 3/6 - binded...
  6. R

    mysqli is b0rk?

    config/databasecfg.php connects to the database with $db as the variable. Uhh. Just so you know, that's not the actual name. I changed it to something similar (but it's correct in the actual code) just in case someone (aka a person I'm hiding from) figures out my link.
  7. R

    mysqli is b0rk?

    It works on my local server without output_buffering. Still cutting off. If you need to, have a look here:
  8. R

    mysqli is b0rk?

    Does doing simple mysqli stuff need output buffering? Of course it's .php! Chrome would have just shown the code if it weren't.
  9. R

    mysqli is b0rk?

    Currently, I'm doing: <?php include("config/databasecfg.php"); $stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?'); $stmt->bind_param('s', $_GET['id']); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); while ($row =...
  10. R

    Login not working anymore.

    Hello? Is anyone able to help or perhaps link to an implementation of a working login system?
  11. R

    Disabling gzip compression?

    Ah. It appears "<?php header("Content-Encoding: none"); ?>" has worked.
  12. R

    Disabling gzip compression?

    Hi. Is there a way to disable gzip compression?
  13. R

    Login not working anymore.

    The funny thing is no. But it worked before the migration/change of servers.
  14. R

    Login not working anymore.

    On my site,, login won't work. A few months ago (I think before the free server change), it worked fine. Now it's broken. I'm using minimal. Can someone help?
  15. R

    403 Forbidden

    Oh, thanks. I don't understand why it does this when it didn't do this before, like a couple months back when I had a page with an image loading...
  16. R

    403 Forbidden

    Hi! I'm trying to get the "logo.png" picture to show up on my site, but it doesn't show! When I go to the actual URL [/logo.png], it shows 403 forbidden. Is there a naming block or did I just derp something again? I'm not sure if posting a URL is allowed, but here: Thanks.
  17. R

    how do i run this VPS? i cannot connect to remote desktop connnection with it

    I don't remember Jagex saying that it's legal at all. They've taken down servers that haven't made any profits at all, also. As for the connection: I think you need to install a GUI, if there already is one just install a VNC server. If you don't already have a GUI, you've gotta set up VNC...