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  1. L

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed Backend fetch failed Guru Meditation: XID: 10065254 Varnish cache server Could someone of staff fix this for me please. I have had recent problems and they have only became worse. Could someone please take a look into this matter for me. Thank you very much...
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    Very slow website

    I created a topic yesterday and staff told me that there is nothing wrong with the speed. But how come that when i visit my website it is enormously slow and other websites seem to be working 10 times faster. This must obviously be x10 hosting and not my internet connection speed or computer...
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    Help Please

    Like many others i am also now experiencing the 503 issue now my self. Could someone of the staff team, take a look at my account to, I have got a dead line made and still need to do allot of work on my site. I really cannot complete my work when the site is running very slow. I really hope...
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    Help Please

    Warning: mysql_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50173 Library:50531 in /home/loyalg/public_html/verify.php on line 3 Could someone explain the above to me? When you try to login to my website,this warning shows upon the verification of the account that is...
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    PhpMyAdmin - Error

    phpMyAdmin - Error You should upgrade to MySQL 5.0.15 or later. This is what i see sometimes when opening my database. Do i have to upgrade it my self or does x10 hosting this for me ? Sorry never done this before
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    XO2 Problems

    Update 5/1/2014: MySQL is in working order. How come that my database is still missing, can someone of staff please respond to my messages ? Stating i should be creating just one topic but yet no replys or help at all :( Website seem to be doing just fine, but my database is still missing. Any...
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    Database Issues

    Hello there. I really want my database back as soon as possible. I have over 700 registrations on my database and i have not backed it up. My website is, people cannot login or register neither as my databse hasnt been transfered during the process. I would be very...
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    Access to this resource on the server is denied!

    My adress is Been waiting for hours now and cant access my website. Please sort it out asap. Thank you
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    Database issues

    I noticed an update on phpmyadmin, It used to load all tables at the left side of the screen but for some reason it only loads half of my db at the left side. But when i click on structure i can access the missing tables. Now also when clicking on certain tables it gives me a notice. This...
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    Help please

    404 Not Found The server can not find the requested page: (port 80) Please forward this error screen to's,%2025-Aug-2013%2004:39:34%20CDT']...
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    HELP Please

    This message bellow is what i see on hosting portal. A response to your appeal has been sent via Email. Please be aware that we only allow one appeal to be submitted per account. The response to your appeal is final. But when i look in my email i get a second email stating the...
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    Account Suspended

    Hello i just noticed my account has been susspended. I was uploading some old php files that i had stored with my paypal map. Now some of these files belonged to a other game and i wanted to see if i could login to paypal true my game. I not knew that the file contained any harmfull material. I...
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    Been waiting for over 10 hours Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request, Criminal Mobsters will be back up shortly though cPANEL is saying The security token in your request is invalid. Always...
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    Question / Help

    Sorry for the inconvenience! The filesystem mounted at / on this server is running out of disk space. cPanel operations have been temporarily suspended to prevent something bad from happening. Please ask your system admin to remove any files not in use on that partition...