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  1. faith

    hey guys im new here, and i want you guys take a look at my site my site is gaming site, its Black Nova Trader. if there anyone like web based strategy game try my game :biggrin: this game is about to trade and wars, and this game is absolutely free :biggrin: thanks guys, i hope your...
  2. faith

    error on function

    oh i get it thanks for your help :)
  3. faith

    [PHP] PHP For Starters

    wow thanks thats tutorials is really help me get along with PHP
  4. faith

    error on function

    how to solve it? im new at PHP so im not now to much about these thanks for response
  5. faith

    error on function

    Fatal error: Call to a member function recordcount() on a non-object in /home/faith/public_html/index.php on line 30 i got this message on my site i dont now what this mean so can anyone help thanks for attention:happysad: