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  1. W

    Please recover account

    Hi, after the migration I get Disk Space Usage 548.55 MB / 512 MB on my control panel at However there isn't any files there at all when i look with ftp file manager, just a .htacces file. All my files are missing and yet it says i am pass the space disk usage. Is...
  2. W

    Please recover account

    Hi, after the migration I get Disk Space Usage 548.55 MB / 512 MB on my control panel at However there isn't any files there at all when i look with ftp file manager, just a .htacces file. All my files are missing and yet it says i am pass the space disk...
  3. W

    How to echo a paragraph text field using php

    Hi, I am using MySQL, Apache and have stored in it a paragraph text field. I need to echo this filed using php. When I use: <? echo { "$current_user->large paragraph" ; } ?> it gives me a string with no <br> breaks in it, just all the text in one block. How can I echo this paragraph text so...