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  1. M

    HELP! I'm getting DDOS'd!!!!

    yeah my site or boyned12's site isn't loading.
  2. M

    Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (4) on line 6

    Your account doesn't need resetting. there's some issues on the VOX server (at the start of the URL you posted). Just a case of waiting until its sorted and then trying again :)
  3. M

    Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (4) on line 6

    Hey, When you login to cPanel what address does it show in the URL? Something like this: // On a side note, localhost should work fine. Try changing the "" to localhost and re run. Post any error that pops up. If its not working then there's...
  4. M

    website slow

    Seems like there is quite a few of us having issues with Vox today. Lots of threads on here about it, I can't get my site to load or log in to cPanel. Think its just a case of waiting it out.
  5. M

    Any Problems on vox today?

    My site on Vox won't load either and cPanel login just hangs. Lots of threads on here about Vox playing up for a lot of people.
  6. M

    HELP! I'm getting DDOS'd!!!!

    We're all in the same boat, Vox is down and cPanel won't load up. Just got to wait it out and hope that its sorted soon :)
  7. M

    somebody would tell me the characteristic of my account free

    If you load up your account and go to the cPanel, on the left there is a STATS bit. Click on the down arrow to expand and it'll show you the info you asked about. you have 2 sql databases and i think it's unlimited bandwidth.