Your account doesn't need resetting. there's some issues on the VOX server (at the start of the URL you posted).
Just a case of waiting until its sorted and then trying again :)
When you login to cPanel what address does it show in the URL?
Something like this:
On a side note, localhost should work fine. Try changing the "" to localhost and re run. Post any error that pops up. If its not working then there's...
Seems like there is quite a few of us having issues with Vox today.
Lots of threads on here about it, I can't get my site to load or log in to cPanel.
Think its just a case of waiting it out.
If you load up your account and go to the cPanel, on the left there is a STATS bit. Click on the down arrow to expand and it'll show you the info you asked about.
you have 2 sql databases and i think it's unlimited bandwidth.