Search results

  1. D

    Change Name Servers

    Hello x10Hosting, I am interested in setting up my website with CloudFlare, but in order to do so, I need to change my Name Servers with my DNS provider. I don't really know what any of that means, but I would like to ask for help with doing it. I have looked through my cPanel, and I have not...
  2. D

    Email accounts not working

    I too, can confirm that this is an issue. After the RoundCube installation on my website rejected my login, I tried logging in through cPanel, but I got the same error message.
  3. D

    Change Password via RoundCube Webmail

    Based on the little that I know about RoundCube, doesn't that just update the password in the database, meaning that it would update the password in cPanel?
  4. D

    Change Password via RoundCube Webmail

    I know how to enable the plugin, but when I do, I get a "Couldn't change password" error when I try to change the password. There is a config file within the plugin directory that you need to edit, but I do not know what I am supposed to edit in order to get it working.
  5. D

    Offers free online ping test from multiple locations worldwide.

    Yeah, you've got a point there.
  6. D

    Offers free online ping test from multiple locations worldwide.

    I think it is cool, but I am wondering what purpose it serves when you can use the command console to do all that.
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    Change Password via RoundCube Webmail

    Thank you for the suggestion, but for some reason, he wants to use RoundCube. I am not sure why, and I hadn't thought of it, but I just presented the idea to him, and he insists on using RoundCube.
  8. D

    Configuring Roundcube Webmail For Outgoing E-Mail

    Okay, just an update for anyone who cares, I tried sending an e-mail from the RoundCube installation that is accessible through cPanel, and it is not working either. My guess is that the issue is part of the "Server Disc Space Full" message.
  9. D

    Filezile- 552 Disk full - please upload later

    I have also noticed that e-mail is not working properly either. I thought it was an issue with my RoundCube installation not properly configured, but it is happening with the installation that is available through cPanel as well.
  10. D

    Change Password via RoundCube Webmail

    Hello x10Hosting Support, I have installed RoundCube Webmail on my site so that I can access my site e-mail without the need to log in to my cPanel each time I want to do so. Since the site is for my friend and I, he is going to have to access RoundCube Webmail too, but since he does not have...
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    Your server is full!

    No, the upload does work. I have refreshed my website after making the changes and uploading, and the changes that I made did take effect.
  12. D

    Your server is full!

    I am getting the same error message when trying to connect to Absolut via FileZilla, but whenever I try to upload a file using the cPanel file manager, it works properly.
  13. D

    Configuring Roundcube Webmail For Outgoing E-Mail

    Hello x10Hosting, I am trying to configure Roundcube Webmail for my website's e-mail but I am having a problem with getting outgoing e-mail working. I can receive, but cannot send, even though Roundcube says the send was successful, the e-mail never reaches the other inbox that I am sending to...