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  1. W

    Delete files outside of home directory...

    Just had class of 18 log in at 12:50am EST and only one got in. The rest had message that the connection was reset. Then I had them log in 1 at a time and they were able to access the site. This has to be a server side issue right?
  2. W

    Delete files outside of home directory...

    7:30am-2:00pm Eastern Standard Time (US)
  3. W

    Delete files outside of home directory...

    My moodle simultaneous load is only 20 users max. That really shouldn't tax the server that bad. I've been running moodle on various servers that have had less memory and CPU horsepower. What would be the culprit when 5 or more just try to log in? I'm stumped.
  4. W

    Delete files outside of home directory...

    phoebex2: Thanks. I have gone through my site which is only running Moodle and can't see any nasty big logs or error files. On my disk size report it does show over a gig of files in an area on server I can't get to and I can't understand how they got there either!. I think my hands are tied...
  5. W

    Delete files outside of home directory...

    I apologize as that was not my intent. I have never encountered this before with the site and it is used on a daily basis with my students. It is a a major tool they use every day. When more than 3 people log into the system it hangs up. I thought it was a resource issue due to space needed but...
  6. W

    Delete files outside of home directory...

    Can anyone tell me how to delete files that are noted as: I have 1131 MB of mystery files that are filling and exceeding my quota. My site is
  7. W

    Disk space used up by unknown files! Need help.

    Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
  8. W

    Disk space used up by unknown files! Need help.

    Can someone please look at my account ( and help remove these files in the inaccessible location that I have not put on the server?
  9. W

    Disk space used up by unknown files! Need help.

    Any thoughts on what is happening from the screen shot?
  10. W

    Disk space used up by unknown files! Need help.

    I will post later today 3 - 4 pm EST. My school network blocks access to cpanel right now.
  11. W

    Disk space used up by unknown files! Need help.

    I have deleted most them. One is only taking up about 375 MB. Disk graph says I have 1131MB in protected area! Where did this come from and how do I get rid of it?