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  1. impossib

    index page code changed/hacked, please help . . . . .

    Thanks for the clarification, Livewire. I am extremely grateful to all of U for helping and guiding me. "leafypiggy" help me to find the root of problems and remove it. You - "Livewire" help me to understand that as they can upload php, they can do anything in any folder or file, that doesn...
  2. impossib

    index page code changed/hacked, please help . . . . .

    Sir, We will talking about the 2nd issue (ToS) later and I must listen it form U but now I need some little help and guidance about the 1st problem. I don't upload '404.php' under '/public_html/upload/...' neither my install script can do it (because as I inform "if my install script allow the...
  3. impossib

    index page code changed/hacked, please help . . . . .

    Thanks for the reply, leafypiggy. Sir, x10hosting control panel provide 'Softaculous Apps Installer', 'Softaculous Apps Installer' provide 'The script', 'The script' provide the permission 'uploading images, music, and videos', I do nothing externally then how do I can go against the 'terms of...
  4. impossib

    index page code changed/hacked, please help . . . . .

    Thanks leafypiggy Lots of thanks for finding the root of problems, Sir. But I need little more help .... I just install the script (by auto installation) and do nothing, then how do I change the permission of upload 'PHP in my account's folder', (This script has permission to install only...
  5. impossib

    index page code changed/hacked, please help . . . . .

    Thanks leafypiggy .... m eager to know the result. Do U find any thing, Sir ??
  6. impossib

    index page code changed/hacked, please help . . . . .

    Hi Dead-i, Thanks for the reply, Sir. But I would like to inform U that I already changed my account password and I have no extra FTP user beside the default login details FTP but still after that, they again able to change my index page 2nd time (They only change my index page, other pages are...
  7. impossib

    index page code changed/hacked, please help . . . . .

    M using a free account and install a 'Apps Installer' script under "iwsn" folder. Few days ago someone change my site's index page under "", I change password, reset index page and redirect my site URL form "" to...
  8. impossib

    Site down and file deleted .... please help

    :) Thanks to all, who replied and yes, specially to "bdistler" . . . . . I hope I have nothing to do than "WAIT" :sleep: ______________________________ Thanks & Regards, GOUTAM CHAKRABORTY social network : impossibleworld Adopt a sapling now ............. Be One of GREEN TEAM & Go Green !
  9. impossib

    Site down and file deleted .... please help

    Hi, M using a free hosting "IMPOSSIBLEWORLD" for last 6 months. Today suddenly my site is down and when it come back, all files deleted Site down and come back is OK, we can understand that, it need huge maintenance but m little worry about my files, still now which is not visible and gone...