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  1. ninetee3

    Add-on domain

    Thank you! I tried it and it worked!
  2. ninetee3

    Add-on domain

    Am I right in thinking that if I have I cannot have as an add-on domain? I'd have to get (etc) to add on? At a guess I'm probably right, but thought I'd ask. Thanks!
  3. ninetee3

    Hi! Thanks for answering my posts, though to be brutally honest, I felt that my problem wasn't...

    Hi! Thanks for answering my posts, though to be brutally honest, I felt that my problem wasn't being seriously addressed, though I know you tried. It might be a good idea for x10hosting to note that old passwords are not removed when someone's account is suspended and deleted. I should have been...
  4. ninetee3

    FTP problem

    Bloomin' heck, I've cracked it! I tried using the cpanel password I had when I last had a site here, which was and it worked! So even though I'd had to get a new account, as my old one had been removed, the old password is still being stored somehow. That was what the...
  5. ninetee3

    FTP problem

    Dead-i, I have done all of this. Yes, my main domain name is and my username is starryde, obviously I won't include my password in this post, but I am inputting the correct one and yes, it's Port 21. Still not working. It gets as far as password required (which has already...
  6. ninetee3

    FTP problem

    Okay, now I don't mind being a pest. Could someone please escalate this? I still cannot log into ftp, despite using the correct username, password, everything. It's getting beyond a joke now. Please, can anyone help? Thank you!
  7. ninetee3

    FTP problem

    *cough* It's still not working, but I don't want to be a pest!
  8. ninetee3

    FTP problem

    Yep, definitely using starryde as my username. Just tried it again, still not working. (Thanks for your help, by the way!)
  9. ninetee3

    FTP problem

    I'm using as the ftp host, my domain name.
  10. ninetee3

    FTP problem

    Thank you for your reply! Okay, I tried it again, with my cpanel username and cpanel password. The error message is "530 Login authentication failed. ! Login faliure, so quitting."
  11. ninetee3

    FTP problem

    I am trying to upload to my site using ws_ftp. I've used this program for donkey's years and it's fine otherwise. I tried creating an ftp account and I was able to get to that, though obviously not to the home directory. I even tried changing my cpanel password but that doesn't work. Please...