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  1. F

    Account suspended.

    Good Day, again, leafypiggy, Access restored, all fine and dandy now, so thanks very much.
  2. F

    Account suspended.

    Good Day, leafypiggy, Thank you for your help. However, despite the fact that I am now again able to sign in to my account, the website itself still remains blocked. Do I simply need to wait for a while, or is there some actual process I have to carry out before the website again becomes...
  3. F

    Account suspended.

    I have received an account suspension notification: Date − 2014-10-29 06:06:13 Reason − You have been suspended for inactivity. It is a requirement that you sign into the x10hosting website at least once every month to keep your account active. You're able to unsuspend yourself immediately from...
  4. F

    Account Suspended

    I have received an account suspension notification: Date − 2014-10-29 06:06:13 Reason − You have been suspended for inactivity. It is a requirement that you sign into the x10hosting website at least once every month to keep your account active. You're able to unsuspend yourself immediately from...
  5. F

    Missing folder following recent migration

    Thanks, Leafy Piggy, I can confirm that the missing folder is back. Good work, and good luck with any continuing glitches. Glenn (fencitan)
  6. F

    Missing folder following recent migration

    A folder, called devon_island, which was created in early April, has not reappeared after the recent migration. The database associated with the web pages contained in the folder is still present and accessible. The database is called fencitan_castaway. The website associated with the database...