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  1. J

    Unable to receive comformation email

    The first step in my troubleshooting this issue was to check my spam folder.
  2. J

    Unable to receive comformation email

    I have requested several comformation emails to be sent to, but I have not receive any of the request. I have verified that the email address I entered is correct.
  3. J

    Unable to install Joomla

    Hello, I have in fact deleted the database while troublshooting why I could not reinstall Joomla. I found out that when Joomla was installed the first time there was a script installed into the .fantasticodata folder. In order to reinstall Joomla I needed to delete the file...
  4. J

    Unable to install Joomla

    Hello, I installed Joomla 1.5 and found out that a module that I was installing would not work with that version of Joomla. So, I uninstalled Joomla 1.5 and tried to install Joomla 1.0 and now I get an error stating that only one script can be installed. How can I resolve this issue? I...
  5. J

    MYSQL_Select_DB Error

    I found the issue to the error. I never assigned myself rights to the database. Once I did that the errors cleared up and everything is working fine. Jeff
  6. J

    MYSQL_Select_DB Error

    No, that is not the issue I am having. I am able to connect to the server and have verified that is working by changing the password in the PHP code and I would get a connection to server error. Put the correct password in and I get a connection to database error.
  7. J

    MYSQL_Select_DB Error

    The password is not the issue in this case. I am able to connect to the MYSQL server just fine. I just can not connect to the database. I may have put a space in there by accident when I took out the password. Jeff
  8. J

    MYSQL_Select_DB Error

    I have read all of the forum messages for this issue but I cannot figure it out. I get the following error: The error is Access denied for user 'jchilton_jchilto'@'localhost' to database 'jchilton_diabetes' Here is the code: <?php // Connect the to Database $con =...