Search results

  1. R

    restoring from a downloaded backup

    Hi, I was admining a site at . Inactivity led to site deletion. I restarted my account, and I have a backup from the site before deletion that I downloaded. Can I restore from this downloaded backup? How might I do that? I've tried uploading the files via ftp and was attempting to...
  2. R

    restoring from a downloaded backup

    Hi, I was admining a site at . Inactivity led to site deletion. I restarted my account, and I have a backup from the site before deletion that I downloaded. Can I restore from this downloaded backup? How might I do that? I've tried uploading the files via ftp and was attempting to...
  3. R

    site broken after account suspension

    Loads fine now, I don't know what was happening there. I set up the odd redirect. Thanks all!
  4. R

    site broken after account suspension

    Hi, Unfortunately I'm seeing the same problems (DNS flushed). Root still redirects, other link now gives me a different 404 error page (" Not Found The requested URL /home/gadflyx1/public_html/home was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying...
  5. R

    site broken after account suspension

    Hello, I didn't access cpanel for over the 30 day limit and so my account was suspended, which is nbd as normally it can be restored quickly. However, after unsuspending, everything seems to turn up as 404s. The frontpage should be at (due to some weird mismatched database things)...