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  1. snowelkp

    Can't acces Cpannel 522 error

    Tried to configure sky router to allow ports 2083 and 2082 still nothing - attatched a screenshot of what I get
  2. snowelkp

    cannot access x10hosting

    I am also getting this error. Just configured Skys router to allow port 2083 and 2082 and still no difference.
  3. snowelkp

    Need help with Domain Transfers

    Thanks for that, i guessed there would be some down time - shame it doesn't work instantly eh? Haha. Just waiting on the best way to bring everything over to x10 now and how much it would be?
  4. snowelkp

    Need help with Domain Transfers

    Hey its no worries, just panicking now as the account expires today with Moonfruit. My own fault for not paying attention haha. Fully transfer and I also have a which is pointed to to Thanks :) edit: Will...
  5. snowelkp

    Need help with Domain Transfers

    Hi there, I have two websites and These are hosted with Moonfruit, which aren't any good to me any more but I want to keep the email accounts from both sites. Now on WhoIs, they say they are with Which I have never dealt with - I want...