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  1. mconslau

    How to make your php scripts secure

    huh. I must be completely misunderstanding how that works. :cry::banghead:
  2. mconslau

    How to make your php scripts secure

    What do you mean "deconstructs"? If you can deconstruct a hash, isn't that kinda bad?
  3. mconslau

    How to make your php scripts secure

    Updated post. Yes but the few tips I showed was simple. People need to start somewhere, yes? Yea I agree that was a mistake on my part. Now thats something that's actually useful to say! Thanks, I'll look into it! EDIT: After looking at the manual, I'm confused. It says password_hash()...
  4. mconslau

    How to make your php scripts secure

    When I said this I meant for simply saving a password to a database. Does this mean you do not agree with what I said above? That you should not hash and salt passwords? Instead of simply copy-pasting scripts, how about learning how hackers get into your stuff? If someone wants to program their...
  5. mconslau

    PHP Mail Function Not Working?

    Yeah I use the $x = do_something_to($x) syntax all the time :)
  6. mconslau

    How to make your php scripts secure

    -An introduction into making your sites secure- Written by Joshcamas Hello all! I've been learning quite a bit about php and security this past week, and wanted to share my knowledge. Keep in mind that this is not a tutorial on how to make a login system and such, and not how to code it, but...