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  1. C

    Unable To FTP To Org Site

    Christopher, Is there a way to reinstate the site on your servers so that we can at least copy our site files? If not that, are we able to have you or another X10hosting support person to give us a copy of our site files? We have lost our entire web site based on the information you have...
  2. C

    Unable To FTP To Org Site

    Hello Christopher, My cpanel username is: cwa3607
  3. C

    Unable To FTP To Org Site

    Hello, I need assistance with accessing our organization's site and I am unable to FTP to it. I either receive a connection timed out error or unable to access server error. The site is Thanks and I await your assistance. Edit: Can anyone from X10 Hosting please advise about...
  4. C

    trying to change domain

    Ok thanks I changed the domain back and parked it for now. Can you tell me how to find out this information. The domain was purchased through the organization and not by me directly. Do you know of any domain lookup tool or something that would help me figure that out? Edit: Found it...if...
  5. C

    trying to change domain

    I hope you can help. I registered with subdomain to test the host and I am very happy with what I see and now want to migrate our domain to this host. We are currently with another host IX which I have a redirect going to this subdomain. I have already...
  6. C

    Remote MSSQL Connections Supported?

    I know that a free sql db is allowed but with server/access information can I connect from another host? I ask because a lot of "free hosts" do not allow remote connections. Has Anyone done this?