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  1. unlikely

    Creative Minds Look Here

    But it wouldn't match the layout. o_O This is why I listed off rather.. stratospheric things. Edit: A server might be good for a hover-graphic later. And it'd be -really- easy to make too. Almost like crapping out and being lazy. O.o!!
  2. unlikely

    Think I posted in wrong place. Pls Help?

    I apologize. Its a tagboard script. This particular page I believe is tags.php. Everything LOOKS great. But it isn't functioning.
  3. unlikely

    Is there a way.. (inter-browser compatability)

    Is there a way to have custom cursors work on all browsers? I know how to do it for IE. I think the same script works for Netscape. But what about FF? Also, filter: dropshadow effect.. I know how to make it work for Opera, FF, NS and IE in a heading.. (its a pain in the butt :x) But how can I...
  4. unlikely

    basic password check - quick help!! - javascript

    I've never asked anyone to -do- a script for me. :B And never once did I take a class. Although I did once buy a php book *shame*... But I used internet tutorials to teach me everything, from graphic and pixelated design, to html, to css.. to templates and layouts... And now I rock =D...
  5. unlikely

    Think I posted in wrong place. Pls Help?

    As far as I can tell, I have everything done right. X_x I set the chmod of entries.db to 666, even to 777. Everything LOOKS fine.. but it isn't functioning fine. Anyone know why this isn't working? @_@ I believe the problem is in here, am I wrong? But I...
  6. unlikely

    In Need Of New Banner

    I can do a crisp yellow border + a pixeled pirate if you want. Look at my website for examples. All graphics are my own.
  7. unlikely

    Creative Minds Look Here

    I'm setting up my newest layout right now. For the most part, the navigation is done, but there are two things left. First and foremost, I need to make the links on the right side work. =) as I get more assistance, I'll make the tagboard work. As for the navigation I'm missing a few links. I'm...
  8. unlikely

    POLL :: Santa letter site URL name

    I dont like any of those names. o_O Why not something that'll remind parents of kid-stuff? Like or something. (You know, Cindy Lou Hoo from Hooville?) Or ... or since its a letter from Santa... ...
  9. unlikely

    The biggest social group on x10!!!

    What's the point of being a member? o_o
  10. unlikely

    your gender...

    wtf? I'm the only female? :/
  11. unlikely

    Need help with a Tagboard Script

    As far as I can tell, I have everything done right. X_x I set the chrmod or w/e to 666, even to 777. Everything LOOKS fine.. but it isn't functioning fine. Anyone know why this isn't working? @_@
  12. unlikely

    Looking for a Decorative Script

    Yeah my friend told me its not compatable with FF. :| Lameness. Ohwell.
  13. unlikely

    Looking for a Decorative Script

    Its not even so much a script as it is some specific CSS. I lost my notes on how to do it when I moved, and now I can't figure out how. >_< It isn't shadowing. It isn't shading. It isn't text-docoration: property type thing. It'll look something like this: <font style="___"> And has an...
  14. unlikely


    I know nothing about biology. So I'd rather be oblivious. I mean.. if I knew.. I might just panic. Kinda like multiple sclerosis. No one knew how you got it 16 years ago. In fact, they told me that because I'm related to someone with MS, I have an 80% chance of NOT getting MS. Last year I...
  15. unlikely

    Question about Advertising

    You ought to pin this or place it someplace. This is -VERY- good to know,especially since I have friends I have referred here who would need to know the same thing in case they wanted options only offered by the adenhanced plan. Personally.. I really like this host. So, I was planning on giving...
  16. unlikely

    Ohayo.. konbon wa.. and everything in between.. !

    I got a message when I checked my reason for suspension that actually read I needed to make a thread at the forums to get unsuspended. If it happens again, I'll take a screenshot for you and try to pinpoint the webpage that's reading it. <3 Ty tho. And thankies for the welcomes. ^^
  17. unlikely

    Question about Advertising

    Ooo.. that's interesting to know. :3 Cause you wouldn't need to scroll if I did it the way I'm talking about. Would you get in trouble if, say, it wasn't compatible in netscape or something? I don't use it, so I wouldn't know. =) Sorry for the thorough interrogation. ;D
  18. unlikely

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    I have tutorials. But none you'd all like to see here. Fortunately, the place I have them displayed has a feature that, when someone likes the tutorial, they favorite it or collect it. Then I get a message saying so-and-so added your tutorial to their collection/faves. :x so I guess I don't...
  19. unlikely


    There was a long period of my life where that answer, for me, would have been undoubtably yes. Anybody who needed me to lean over the hot coals to save them a little unjust pain, heartache or even their lives.. I would jump to do it in a heartbeat. However, I have children now. I am their sole...
  20. unlikely

    Would you.. for someone you cared.. or not?

    I guess it all depends on your definition of "something bad" and the situation. I mean, if he wanted me to deficate on him (hello, my definition of something bad), and we were just chilling at home.. well. Of COURSE NOT I wouldn't. However, if he was bleeding to death in the open and needed me...