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  1. A

    Missing website

    Hello, I'm wondering if someone could please give me a status update on my website. I had recently allowed the paid domain to expire, but I don't think that would have done this. My username was alexkryc and domain was originally
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    Omitting "www"

    Thanks for the reply. I had tried flushing my DNS before, but that didn't seem to fix my problem. I finally got it to work when I changed my main domain from "" to "" in my account settings page. Now, it seems, both addresses work. I'm not sure if...
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    Omitting "www"

    Hello, It seems that my website loads fine when I type in the complete url (i.e. "") but not when I omit the "www". Does anyone know how I could fix this? Also, I can't seem to use my x10hosting url (""). Is there a way I could use both? Thanks.
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    Hello, There was a post a few months ago stating that tests were being run on mod_python. I was wondering what the status was on making this extension available. Thanks.
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    Cron and logfile

    Hello, I have a Python script that writes a timestamp to a log file using the following function: def logfile(): fileIn = open("logfile.txt", "a") fileIn.write("\n%s" % time.ctime()) fileIn.close() Cron executes my script (I receive an email with the expected output and no...
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    mod_python Error

    I created an .htaccess file in my scripts directory with only the following: AddHandler mod_python .py PythonHandler mod_python.publisher PythonDebug On But when I try to run my script, I get the following errors: [Mon Apr 14 12:36:43 2008] [error] [client] File does not exist...