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  1. L

    access mysql databse

    You said anything about why I can't get my files back. You didn't say anything about mysql database. I already have my files back, only thing I need is the database, which I really need to access IPB, since it gives me Driver Error. (not really good with this one so pls no h8) or can I import my...
  2. L

    Cool community

    I opened a thread yesterday regarding on how to get my files back since I was suspended. They said they couldn't take a risk giving me backups. I tried to get them but they are just so good, well either way I can't get it back. Now I realized that I didn't do much things after May 20 so I can...
  3. L

    How can I get my files back

    oh, actually, I make always daily backups and it's on my 'to-do list'. But this time around I just got busy and forgot to do the schedule I supposed to do. Last time I check is I made backup last month, May 20 I think. Though on that day, my files isn't important as today so yeah.
  4. L

    How can I get my files back

    Please, just unsuspend it for a minute and give me time, I will reply here if I'm done making up the backup. I don't get it, I've worked hard, harder than anyone just to make that forum become attractable yet it is still pointless. Is this a fate? Because my life is same as this, whatever hard...
  5. L

    How can I get my files back

    So there is no other way to get my codes? I don't actually need the IPB, just the customizations I made there. If possible, for just '1' minute or 5, so I can make the backup myself. Please give me some time to download all the files I need, just please. That way, it's not going to be you who...
  6. L

    How can I get my files back

    "at this time", that means it's only temporary? I may have agreed but can you just let this one out? I mean I am not a special or an important person, but that files are important to me. Regards. PS: Some peoples just sign up and d
  7. L

    How can I get my files back

    "at this time", that means it's only temporary? I may have agreed but can you just let this one out? I mean I am not a special or an important person, but that files are important to me. Regards.
  8. L

    How can I get my files back

    So that means I can't have my hard-worked-that-took-almost-a-year files? I don't want to be stubborn or anything but since I've wasted my time all doing that, that means it's still my property. "You cannot steal someones property" - that is an obvious law and also I would come in despair because...
  9. L

    How can I get my files back

    My account was suspended, and unable to lift the suspension. Yes, I've broken rules and I accepted that my account is suspended. But I do really need all my files back since I've worked so hard trying to code all of those, please, if it's possible, please reply. Regards.
  10. L

    403 Forbidden when editng post

    Actually, I am not trying to add something on the post. Because you see, my forum is IPB, when you click edit on a post, no need to refresh the page, but I want to click full edit and it go into a page, then I got 403. I will make it 755 again. bump. anyone?
  11. L

    403 Forbidden when editng post

    Hello! I've tried looking at this.. 1. It's already on 755 so I change it to 777, still doesn't work 2. I don't know what 'rule' might be so yea 3. That's why I posted this thread Thank you!