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  1. W

    Cron Job Commands

    The way understand it, Wget and curl commands are not an option with free hosting. Does anyone know how to structure commands o they will work on these servers? path: /home/weeklyca/public_html/wp-cron/cron.php Should I add define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true); to the wp-config file?
  2. W

    Cron Job Schedule

    With a free account you can not have crons scheduled any sooner than 5 min apart. I have a cron running every 10 minutes Want to schedule 2nd cron 1:05 1:15 1:25 1:35 1:45 1:55 How would I express that in the command?
  3. W

    Cron Job

    Have to add a cronjob for my SNAP plug in. Don't care if it triggers every 5 or 10 min. Telling me commands should be curl -s -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64)" or wget -O /dev/null...
  4. W

    Cron Job

    Has anyone set up a cron on free hosting for wordpress that works? tried cpanel cronjobs using wp-cron plugin for command. From what I understand free hosting would allows one cron job for no less than 5min php /home/weeklyca/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-cron-control/wp-cron-control.php...
  5. W

    Setting up Cron job for SNAP

    Currently doing this using these commands lines. wget -O /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 or curl -s -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64)" Currently replacing...
  6. W

    Cron Job and SNAP Plugin

    In the SNAP plug in it allows you to schedule posts on a time schedule. It seems to be ignoring my request to post every 3 minutesand posting all at once. I read in this forum that free accounts will not accept cron jobs less than 5 minutes? My specific questions are: Do I need to set a Cron...
  7. W

    Cron Job and SNAP Plugin

    In the SNAP plug in it allows you to schedule posts on a time schedule. It seems to be ignoring my request to post every 3 minutesand posting all at once. I read in this forum that free accounts will not accept cron jobs less than 5 minutes? My specific questions are: Do I need to set a Cron...
  8. W

    Cron Job and SNAP Plugin

    In the SNAP plug in it allows you to schedule posts on a time schedule. It seems to be ignoring my request to post every 3 minutesand posting all at once. I read in this forum that free accounts will not accept cron jobs less than 5 minutes? My specific questions are: Do I need to set a Cron...
  9. W

    Cron Job and SNAP Plugin

    In the SNAP plug in it allows you to schedule posts on a time schedule. It seems to be ignoring my request to post every 3 minutesand posting all at once. I read in this forum that free accounts will not accept cron jobs less than 5 minutes? My specific questions are: Do I need to set a Cron...
  10. W

    Scheduled Pages Missed schedule error

    have scheduled pages that are missing their publish date. Can this be fixed through cron job area in cpanel? What command should I use?
  11. W

    CorrectSite url wordpressurl General Settings

    Got into general settings replaced http with https in site and wordpress url. At moment Can not access wp-admin or view site. Can anything be done through cpanel.
  12. W

    Recover wp-admin and site

    Got into general settings after installing ssl replaced http with https in site and wordpress url. SSL was not installed properly. at moment Can not access wp-admin or view site. Can anything be done through cpanel. Looked at phpmyadmin and site and home address is
  13. W

    SSL on free xhosting

    Have a godaddy domain and ssl. Can i install on server?
  14. W

    Can Not Access wp-admin Dashboard

    Everything displays fine when i pull up site. Cannot get access to dashboard on my word press site. Has anyone else had that problem?
  15. W

    Register User Email Password

    Does anyone out there know how to set up email so that registered user get their passwords? I've included images to show you how everything is set up. Is there anything I need to do with the configuration (POP STMP)to get the notifications going out?
  16. W

    Have a parked domain

    Want to be able to manage my wordpress from vs I have plugins that insist on using the .10x subdomain instead of mine in the aps Should I change these items in general settings? WordPress Address (URL) Site Address (URL) Enter the address here...
  17. W

    User password emails not being delivered

    Users being added but user email with passwords not going out.
  18. W


    Can I use my own domain without a redirect. would like my domain to appear not a sub of x10. already assigned name servers with godaddy.