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  1. S

    Account Missing o.o

    Any way to get it restored?
  2. S

    Account Missing o.o

    I recently tried to visit my site and it was gone. I get a DNS error (site not found). My URL is When I try to login using my user and pass through, I get that "Link your Hosting Account" message but when I enter my account username, it says username not...
  3. S

    Weird admin problem (phpNuke forums)

    So I recently installed PHPNuke 8.0 manually (since Fantastico is down), and I'm getting this weird problem that I've never had before. Basically when you go to the forum admin (in phpnuke), you're taken to that admin index of phpbb. When you're there at the bottom they show you "Who is...
  4. S

    PHPNuke Forums Problem

    I just started a new site and when I install PHPNuke 7.9 using fantastico, everything works fine BUT when I go to the admin page and click 'Forums' to go the forum administration (the place to add boards and stuff), it give me a "The website cannot display the page" error. Anyone know how to...
  5. S

    Weird Problem

    My domain is and my site (php nuke) is Today when i tried visiting site, all i get is a blank page with "‹" on top left. if u go to ull see what i mean. No part of the site is working except the splash page...
  6. S

    Approximate downtime?

    so the ftp and http for free site is down. any1 have any idea how long it'll be down for? there was something important i needed to do on my site :dunno: Edit: and it says cpanel is up but i cant even access taht =/
  7. S

    FTP and PHPNuke help

    ok I just got my cpanel info and after logging in and using fantastico to set up a php nuke site, the site doesnt work. Is it down? my domain is and i installed php nuke to /Site and I was wondering what the ftp information is like what would i put for host address...
  8. S

    Free hosting sign up

    hey i signed up for a free account (corporate one) today and its been quite a few hours but it still hasnt been setup...i got the activation email and after clicking the link it said accounts are up every hour but its still not up... the domain i registered is and my...