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  1. G

    Website down yet again.... =(

    Ok website is back up. My home directory is now renamed back to /home/ from /home5/ and looks as if mod_rewrite now works properly. I am able to use the permalink settings in WP settings again with success...
  2. G

    Website down yet again.... =(

    "Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress." Please fix your hosting x10!! youve been having ongoing issues for like a week now. My post and others posts have gone ignore despite the issues. Fix the mod_rewrite as well. My site is on xo7
  3. G

    404 errors: has mod_rewrite stopped running on the server?

    OK, I can confirm a temporary fix at least for my site. I had to change the permalinks settings back to "DEFAULT" in WP settings. I was using "POST NAME" previously for search engine permalink optimization. It seems the entries that get added to .htaccess as a result of that setting.... arent...
  4. G

    404 errors: has mod_rewrite stopped running on the server?

    I am on xo7 as well and none of my freaking subpages/posts work now, just the homepage. Ive changed nothing! what is going on x10hosting?! come on =( Also, why the heck did the /home directory of my account change?!?!?! Its now labeled /home5 ... this screws up some things on my site.
  5. G

    HELP! CPU Usage & Memory Usage at 100% suddenly =(

    now this crap is happening: The MySQL server is currently offline. Error while connecting to MySQL: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) Error while connecting to MySQL: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) at...
  6. G

    HELP! CPU Usage & Memory Usage at 100% suddenly =(

    now this crap is happening: The MySQL server is currently offline. Error while connecting to MySQL: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) Error while connecting to MySQL: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) at...
  7. G

    HELP! CPU Usage & Memory Usage at 100% suddenly =(

    503 errors yet again =( site down.
  8. G

    HELP! CPU Usage & Memory Usage at 100% suddenly =(

    K, seems its working again now......
  9. G

    HELP! CPU Usage & Memory Usage at 100% suddenly =(

    when I try to go to cpanel -> php version ... it shows this error "User not in CageFS"
  10. G

    HELP! CPU Usage & Memory Usage at 100% suddenly =(

    Now this is happening!?!? Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress. What is going on? =(
  11. G

    HELP! CPU Usage & Memory Usage at 100% suddenly =(

    And its back again... lol I hope these stability issues get resolved...
  12. G

    HELP! CPU Usage & Memory Usage at 100% suddenly =(

    Now its back to 503 backend failed again =(
  13. G

    HELP! CPU Usage & Memory Usage at 100% suddenly =(

    Hrm.... seems both went back down, but site was 503 backend failure for like 10mins. Now seems like site is back up. Was this a hack or something? Is there any way to tell if the db was compromised?
  14. G

    HELP! CPU Usage & Memory Usage at 100% suddenly =(

    Site was working fine then suddenly it wasnt. Error 500 as of about 20mins ago. CPU% 100 MEM% 100 site -
  15. G

    Help! Site down - Front and back end errors

    Theyve worked previously ... why did it stop?
  16. G

    Help! Site down - Front and back end errors

    Im still not up and xo7 =/ Im getting 500 errors =(
  17. G

    Help! Site down - Front and back end errors

    My site is also 404 as well =( can reach cpanel just fine tho. Seems Im hosted on xo7 , at least according to cpanel