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  1. K

    Let's Encrypt installation

    Do NOT rely solely on Cloudflare's SSL if you have a dynamic website - your website appears as secure only because Cloudflare's servers are giving the content back to the client via SSL - but Cloudflare does not use SSL to communicate with x10hosting's servers - it can't unless x10hosting allows...
  2. K

    Help Installing Software Built on Laravel?

    One more thing, it looks like you can also run composer from a php script according to this Stack Overflow Answer, however, I haven't tried this myself:
  3. K

    Help Installing Software Built on Laravel?

    You can run artisan commands from a route/controller by using `Artisan::call('command', [parameters])`. This is what I use to run the 'artisan migrate', 'artisan optimize', 'artisan config:cache', and 'artisan route:cache' commands on the server. (source...