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  1. K

    503 Error

    Thank you for that. So the conclusion is that I just need to be a bit more laid back and give some time to considering philosophies of indeterminate length while the server gets on with doing those mysterious things that servers do (or perhaps I'd be better off, being East of the Big Pond...
  2. K

    503 Error

    Just tried for the first time since posting and all is now working OK. If anyone gets a chance, it would be good to have an idea whether this kind of error tends to self-rectify (or gets picked up in the usual course of things), in which case I don't need to chase it up or report here. Also...
  3. K

    503 Error

    Hoping this is the right place for this topic, posting as suggested on the help page. I get a 503 error when trying to open This has, until now, been a highly reliable page and I've never previously had trouble. Any assistance would be gratefully received...
  4. K

    Website remains invisible

    Sorry not to have responded earlier. All now working, thank you, very grateful for that.
  5. K

    Website remains invisible

    Account set up and site created last week, multiple flushes of DNS cache have not resolved the issue. Navigating to front page gives me which seems, from other threads, to be a common issue; is there something you need to do to let my page be...
  6. K

    Website is not visable

    I also seem to have this problem. Website created some 30 - 32 hr ago, so DNS should have propagated by now. Flushing DNS cache doesn't seem to resolve it. Also, going to the phpBB forum installed using the script gives a 404 error. Anyone have any further ideas? My site is...