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  1. G

    Starka server status?

    yes, my site if you try I think it forwards or is registered as the domain directly, anyways... it's on Starka and at least 2 times per day I edit my site, it blanks out on displaying the site. It doesn't always correlate with the FTP halting or loading slowness. cPanel...
  2. G

    PERL development setup - beginner

    xampp looks cool. thanks, im wondering if there's an easy setup via cygwin, closest to a linux like setup? maybe works?: mainly cuz im used to cygwin, or maybe i can use xampp thru cygwin???
  3. G

    PERL development setup - beginner

    Hi I'm starting to learn perl. I've PHP experience, and I mainly want to learn basic Perl with mySQL interactions. In class we logged onto school linux accounts remotely to run commands, edit .cgi files in place, or upload, all on the temp webhosting server. We add a 'd' suffix to turn on...
  4. G

    New here, learning scripts and design!

    got it working! guess i just had to wait a bit. about inactivity, it's requiring forum login every 14 days? iF i keep logining to cPanel but not forum, does it count? Or are these 2 accounts supposed to be linked as some people suggest?
  5. G

    New here, learning scripts and design!

    Hi everyone. x10hosting seems long standing, so I wana give it a try since my previous host died last time (company disappeared...). I've got a forum and adfree accounts. So my first hurdle seems like I can't login to my cPanel via the link from the email. It gives a box to write user/password...