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  1. V

    how to install joomla

    How clear my cache
  2. V

    how to install joomla

    I ftp file to public_html and then I delete index.html that exist by defuse . I goto why not show installation page.
  3. V

    Can't ftp by FileZilla

    this error response: 331 User OK. Password required command: PASS ************ response: 530 Login authentication failed Edit: Thank so I can login Thank you
  4. V

    Can't ftp by FileZilla

    I attempt to login via ftp it can't login I use filezilla FTP Username: FTP Server: FTP Server Port: 21 How should I do to ftp Thank.
  5. V

    cPanel login failed

    Thank you very much
  6. V

    cPanel login failed

    I attempt login to cPanel can't login User : viravith Server NameAbsolut.x10 IP Address74.86.116.187 when I visit it show \index.php how should I do to login to cPanel...