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  1. E

    403 Forbidden error and Can't log in to

    Thank you Anna. I was able to log into and unsuspend the account and everything works now. I still don't understand what happened because I have been doing it this way for months and I didn't get any Inactivity emails. But I am happy so I don't care.
  2. E

    403 Forbidden error and Can't log in to

    I am trying to use my page So I tried logging into with my account egsx10ho and it says Hmm, login details do not seem to be correct. Please try again. The last time I logged in was on Dec 3rd. I usually log in weekly but my computer died...
  3. E

    New web pages FTPed are no longer showing up on site

    I found that the web site changed from to . I ftped my changed web pages files to that site and now they are reflected on my web site.
  4. E

    New web pages FTPed are no longer showing up on site

    I normally FTP new and changed web pages files to and they are reflected on my site . I have had my account and site for just under 2 years and this has always work. The last time was on Dec 5, 2019. My username is egsx10ho and my Web Hosting Package is...